Ernest and Celestine

Ernest and Celestine

Sunday, 11 December 2016: Ernest & Celestine

Sunday, 11 December 2016, 15:00

Venue: (see Locations and Tickets for further details)

Programme category: Children's and Family Films

Director: Vincent Patar/Stéphane Aubier/Benjamin Renner, France 2012, 80 mins, U

“Delightful. Just-about-perfect” Screen Daily

A bear and a mouse: surely they can never be friends! But does it really have to be that way? In this lovely animated comedy drama, two kindred souls meet and begin their winding journey into friendship, shaking the world up just a little as they go.

“An absolute delight. An equal pleasure for children and adults” LA Times

Further reading

  1. Roger Ebert review
  2. Screen Daily review
  3. LA Times review
  4. IMDB awards list
