Suggest a film for 2015-16
We’re always looking for ideas for films that we could show in the future, so appreciate any input you can give us. Ideally, we’d like to attract a hundred people to our screenings, which means that a film shouldn’t be too obscure and inaccessible, and should appeal to our audience, though we’re happy to include films that might be a bit challenging from time to time.
We tend not to show films that are totally mainstream, and like to have a reasonable balance from the history of world cinema, plus some comedies as well as more serious dramas
We also re-visit the suggestions from previous years as well, since there are always good ideas in those lists. You might want to have a look at them:
It would be ideal if you can also add a short note about why you think we should screen it, and how long ago you last saw it.
This looks interesting: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/nov/04/roza-eskenazi-my-sweet-canary?CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
There’s a link in the article to a trailer.
Abderrahmane Sissako’s new film which I saw in preview a month ago. Fantastic. Very topical, and beautiful.
Leviathan is up for the Foreign Language Oscar and has had some brilliant reviews, such as this one in the Guardian
This beautiful movie give a surrealistic picture of the Latin America in the early 90’s with a young man journey from Tierra del Fuego until Mexico
From the Argentinian director Fernando Solanas
Feature Films:
Bird People by Pascale Ferran – Cannes 2014, Audience Price Vienna, half drama half fairy tale…
Ariadne’s Thread, Robert Guediguian, France 2014, Comedy
Winter Sleep, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, 196mins
Father, Istvan Szabo, Hungary 1966
A coming of age story about a boy eho is missing his father during the Hungarian Revolution 1956
Mephisto, Istvan Szabo, Hungary 1981
An actor (Klaus Maria Brandauer) wants to play Mephisto and sells its sould to the nazis in order to achieve this.
20 Feet from Stardom, Morgan Neville, USA 2013
We come as Friends, Hubert Sauper, Austria France 2014-
The film focus on war-ravaged South Sudan fighting for independence from North Sudan and its President Omar al-Bashir.
Life Behind Bars (Locked up Life), Sibylle Schönemann, Germany 1990
Documentary about Schönemann’s time in a Stasi prison and her attempt to overcome this
Belleville Baby, Mia Engberg, Sweden 2013
Waves – A portrait of Maria a Heygum, Heidrik a Heygum, Denmark 2010
Suggestions from Suzanne:
a hilarious Dutch film called: the Marathon about 5 motor mechanics who decide to go and train and finally run the Rotterdam Marathon. In Dutch with english subtitles.
and some films from the recent Rotterdam film festival (which was amazing again):
War Book: an English film, will most certainly come in the cinemas
The Dark Horse: New Zealand film (in English) that won the public prize in the festival
La prochaine fois je viserai le coeur (Next Time I’ll Aim for the Heart): in French, gripping thriller
Norwegian volleyball documentary, looks fun: The Optimists
Check out the films in the BFFS/Cinema For All Booking Scheme. Includes:
5 Broken Cameras
Caesar Must Die
How I Ended this Summer
Le Quattro Volte
Norte, the End of History
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
Winter Sleep
I’ve just seen ‘Leviathan’ and its an extraordinary film. Unexpected (given its partly funded by the Russian state) in that its tough, uncompromising, centered around state corruption and vodka soaked. The cinematography is stunning and the Philip Glass music is superb. It leaves you with some very uneasy feelings.
Simon Wells suggested Quadrophenia as a special event, which would tie in very well with his new book.
is Director Yan Demange’s first feature and what a debut! This is the story of a young British soldier who is separated from his unit following a riot in Belfast in 1971. Jack O’Connell (who many will remember from ‘Skins’ on Channel 4) plays Private Gary Hook who finds himself deep in Republican West Belfast and faced with finding his way back to his barracks. This tough yet compulsive thriller with several unexpected twists that kept me riveted. It asks some uncomfortable questions. There are some fairly brutal moments unsurprisingly but they’re not dwelt upon. Demange brilliantly captures the menace of the streets as well as mayhem and chaos of the riot. The chase sequence is one of the best I’ve seen. Check out the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-BaKfl1Ms4