Film festivals in the UK
There are hundreds of film festivals in the UK from the very small right up to the large events such as the Edinburgh and London festivals. This is a selection of them which could most appeal to film society and community cinema programmers, and are organised by broad category, and then by (rough) date when they occur during the year. There is a bit of a London and south-east bias, I’m afraid, simply because that’s where we are. If there are any others that you think should be on our radar, do let us know. One day we might get to a few more of them…
- Glasgow Film Festival: February: Glasgow
- Keswick Film Festival: February: Keswick
- London Turkish Film Festival: February: London
- Bradford International Film Festival: March: Bradford
- Bird’s Eye View: April: London
- Italian Film Festival: April: London and elsewhere
- TaiwanCineFest: May: London
- Edinburgh International Film Festival: June: Edinburgh
- East End Film Festival: July: London
- London Indian Film Festival: July: London
- Chichester Film Festival: August: Chichester
- Raindance: September: London
- London Spanish Film Festival: September: London
- Cambridge Film Festival: September: Cambridge
- Southampton International Film Festival: October: Southampton
- London Greek Film Festival: October: London
- BFI London Film Festival: October: London
- Africa in Motion: October: Edinburgh
- London Iranian Film Festival: November: London
- French Film Festival: November: London and beyond
- UK Jewish Film Festival: November: London
- Cine-City: November: Brighton
- London Latin American Film Festival: November: London
- London Korean Film Festival: November: London
- Leeds International Film Festival: November: Leeds
- Russian Film Festival: November: London
- Romanian Film Festival: November: London
- Bath Film Festival: November: Bath
- London International Documentary Festival: May: London
- RAI International Festival of Ethnographic Film: June (biannual): various
- Sheffield Doc/Fest: June: Sheffield
- London International Animation Festival: October: London
- Bradford Animation Festival: November: Bradford
- Cinemagic: November: Belfast
- Future Shorts: Often: London and beyond
- London Short Film Festival: January: London
- Edinburgh Short Film Festival: June: Edinburgh
- Colchester Film Festival: October: Colchester
- Aesthetica Short Film Festival: November: York