Coming soon to the BFFS booking scheme
Struggling to decide what to include in next season’s programme? The clutch of films that are coming soon to the BFFS booking scheme looks really interesting, as ever.
I’ve not seen any of them, so have just gone through the list to get a sense of what they are about, and whether they might be of interest to us, and have added a short comment about each. The titles link through to the list of reviews on the Movie Review Query Engine, unless I couldn’t find anything there, in which case I’ve just added a link to another useful source. I must say, this looks like a cracking list of films. We’re spoilt for choice.
You’ll need to check with BFFS about precisely when these become available for booking.
Don’t forget that there is other very useful and engaging information about booking scheme titles on the Booking Scheme blog.
- A Simple Life, Ann Hui, Hong Kong 2011: Really great list of reviews. Looks like a good one for us
- Cold Fever, Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, Iceland 1995: Funny road movie, “a striking spiritual affirmation and personal epiphany at journey’s end. A one-off that lodges in the memory” says Time Out
- Cold Light, Hilmar Oddsson, Ice/Nor/UK/Ger 2004: Not many reviews about, but sounds interesting, and set in Iceland
- Falcons, Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, Iceland 2002: Time Out review is intriguing, though I prefer the sound of Friðriksson’s earlier Cold Fever (above)
- The First Movie, Mark Cousins, Iraq 2009: I love the sound of this. Check out the Guardian‘s review
- Hit So Hard, P. David Ebersole, US 2011: Doc about the Hole drummer; now, I’m really keen to have a weekend of music-themed films at some point. Could we include this?
- How to Die in Oregon, Peter D. Richardson, US 2011: Sounds like a fascinating doc on right to die question
- I Wish, Hirokazu Koreeda, Japan 2011: Already on our long list for next season. His After Life is one of my favourite films
- Keep the Lights On, Ira Sachs, US 2012: Interesting-sounding drama with lots of strong reviews
- Kings of Pastry, Chris Hegedus/D A Pennebaker, US 2009: Mouthwatering doc, designed for a double bill with Babette’s Feast (the pope’s favourite film)
- Kuma, Umut Dag, Austria 2012: Immigration-Turkey-Austria drama. Good review on Eye for Film
- The Most Dangerous Man in America, Judith Ehrlich/Rick Goldsmith, US 2009: Fascinating doc on guy who leaked documents about Vietnam, a long time before Wikileaks
- Movie Days, Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, Ice/Den/Ger 1994: Semi-autobiographical story of movie-obsessed boyhood in Iceland
- Once upon a Time, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Denmark 1922: The great Danish director’s fifth film. I’d love to have another silent film weekend
- Our Children (À perdre la raison), Joachim Lafosse, Bel/Lux/Fra/Swi 2012: Powerful-sounding drama
- Putin’s Kiss, Lise Birk Pedersen, Denmark 2012: A view of modern Russian
- She Monkeys, Lisa Aschan, Sweden 2011: Intriguing, coming of age film with a twist
- Side by Side, Chris Kenneally, US 2012: Very interesting doc about film and the impact of digital, including interviews with a long list of big name directors